A Depressed Mama

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Welcome! I am a wife and a mother and I have dealt with depression ever since I was a teenager. Now, in my 30’s, it’s much worse. What reasons do I have to be depressed you may ask…I HAVE NO CLUE!!!

My family is a blessing. My husband is loving and supportive. He works hard to provide for his family. He cooks, he cleans, he takes care of the kids, he takes care of me, etc. My children are great. They are kind, smart, compassionate, and overall, they are very well behaved. Of course, we have our arguments here and there. We even have days that my teenager thinks that I am the worst mother in the world. We live in a nice house, we have 2 cars, we own way too many pets, and we pretty much have everything we truly need. We live on a tight budget right now, but we are okay. Honestly, my life looks perfect from the outside. So why am I not happy?

It’s a chemical imbalance! Genetics, difficult life experience or trauma, medical conditions, and even certain medications can also contribute to depression. The most important thing to remember is that it is NOT YOUR FAULT! It is not MY fault. I didn’t do anything wrong. This is not a punishment. I know these things, but I still have to remind myself frequently.

So what does depression look like? Today it looks like staying in my pajamas, skipping the shower, hiding out in my bedroom, not eating all day and then eating a bowl of ice cream for dinner, then finally going to bed early only to lay there for hours feeling guilty about failing my family yet again. My depression has ups and downs though. Here’s to hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

What does your depression look like to you? I would love to hear from you. I am not a therapist or a professional in the field of mental health. I am just a mama. A depressed mama. A mama that’s been there. A mama that would be happy to be a safe place for you. Please feel free to comment below or send me a message.

With Love, K

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